Experienced Agents

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Mark Stempel, Owner/Broker/CEO

Licensed Real Estate Broker


M: 646-678-2875

O: 516-613-3600

Blue Island Homes Agents are equipped with our highly coveted marketing tools and graphic designer services. The Company Van, Boat, Furniture, Accessories and dedicated Warehouse space, are all made available to our agents to attract top sellers and buyers.

Elevated Achievement in Real Estate 

Lead Incubation |  Database Management Customer Reviews l Property Promotion | Social Media Ad Marketing |  Staging Van and Dedicated Warehouse l Company Boat for Tours l eCards & Flyers 
Management Tools | Social Media Content | Video Production


Income Producing Programs 

Experienced real estate agents recognize the significance of being adaptable and versatile in the dynamic real estate landscape. At Blue Island Homes, we offer diverse income-generating prospects for agents who choose to expand their revenue streams. Here are a few instances:

  • Deals that qualify as potential flips.

  • Recruitment of new agents.

  • Property, parsonages and member-donated property sales

  • Commercial property sales and rental guidance, a niche market that requires a different knowledge base.

  • Out-bound and in-bound referrals.

Blue Island Homes is Here to Assist You in Reaching Greater Heights!


Contact Us Today for further information and details. We're here to assist you!

Mark Stempel, Owner/Broker/CEO

Licensed Real Estate Broker


M: 646-678-2875

O: 516-613-3600


Building Dreams, One Home at A Time